Monday, June 10, 2013

Differences in English Versus Italian Language and Culture

When I lived in Italy, and traveled around Milan to the various banks to teach lessons, I sometimes saw funny signs that were a good indicator of the cultural and the linguistic difference. This is the best one!

Step #1... the local language... In Italiano: Si invitano le "gentile" signore che frequentano questo bagno a prestare attenzione nel lasciare la tazza del WC e la tavoletta in condizione decorose!

Step #2... the literal, word-by-word translation... We invite the "civilized" women who frequent this bathroom to pay attention to leave the cup of the water closet  and the towels in decent condition. (English speakers would never communicate like this.)

Step #3... Proper, grammatical English... Please leave this ladies room in good condition, as you found it.

Step #4... "Real" Native English... Please clean up after yourself. Your mother doesn't work here!