Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fresh from the Oven: New English Words!

Here are a hippest, freshest new words in English. All the cool kids are using them. Don't get left behind!

----- A -----

Affluenza - affluence + influenza = A social disease resulting from extreme materialism and excessive consumerism: earning more money and consuming more, which can lead to overwork, debt, stress, anxiety, etc.

Agritourism - agriculture + tourism = A form of tourism in which tourists stay on farms or in agricultural villages, and often participate in farm activities.

Alcopop - alcohol + soda pop = Fruit drinks fortified with alcohol, designed and marketed to appeal to young people.

Applepick - Steal someone's iPhone.

----- B -----

Baggravation - bag + aggravation = A feeling of annoyance and frustration at the airport when your baggage has not arrived but the other passengers' bags have.

Black Swan - An extremely rare and unexpected event of large magnitude and consequence.

Blook - book + blog = a book written by a blogger.

Bromance - brother + romance = A close non-sexual relationship between two men.

Bureaucratese - bureaucracy + legalese = A derogatory term for language used in businesses and bureaucracies which contains long sentences and complex words that are obscure or difficult to understand.

Burkini - burka + bikini = A swimsuit worn by Muslim women which covers the whole body i.e. the arms to the wrist, the legs to the ankle, with a hood to cover the hair and neck.

----- C -----

Charticle - chart + article = A news article that is composed primarily of a chart, image or graphics with just a brief text for additional information.

Chick lit - Books, usually featuring female characters, written by women on contemporary themes and issues that appeal more to women than to men.

Click bait - Put something on a website that will encourage visitors to click on a link.

Content farm - A website that publishes large amounts of low-quality content, or content copied from elsewhere, in order to attract visitors and improve its search-engine rankings. (This website is a shameless content farm to promote my English lessons!)

Couch commerce - Buying goods online from one's home.

Crowdfunding - Raising money for a project by getting a large number of people to contribute financially, particularly by using a website.

Cyberbully - A person who uses the Internet, electronic communication or social networks to harm, harass or intimidate another person.

Cyberchondriac - cyber + hypochondriac = A person who imagines that he/she is suffering from an illness after reading about the symptoms on the Internet!

Cyberloaf - Spend time on the Internet at work doing personal things.

Cyberslacking - Using one's employer's Internet and email facilities for personal purposes during working hours.

----- D -----

Daycation - day + vacation = A trip or short vacation which lasts only one day - daycationers do not stay away overnight.

Decruitment - Euphemism for laying-off staff or downsizing a company. Opposite of "recruitment."

Dramedy - Combination of 'drama' and 'comedy'. A film, play or TV programme that mixes drama and comedy.

Drug driving - Driving a vehicle while under the influence of drugs.

Dwell time - The length of time spent on a website.

----- E -----

Earworm - A tune that keeps repeating itself over and over again in our heads.

E-cruitment - Online recruitment of employees, including online submission 
of resumes and cover letters

E-quaintance - A person you know only through online networks.

E-stalk - To stalk (follow) someone using Internet searches and email.

E-waste - Electronic material and devices that have been thrown away.

----- F -----

Face Time - Application which enables people to make video phone calls. They can speak and see each other at the same time. Also used to describe time spent talking to your boss.

Fashionista - Person who dresses according to the latest fashion trends.

Flame war - A period during which angry or rude email messages are exchanged.

Freemale - free + female = A woman who is happy to stay single and independent so that she can do what she wants, when she wants.

Flightmare - flight + nightmare = Unpleasant air travel experience (lost luggage, missed connections, etc.)

Flog - fake + blog = A blog (online journal) which appears to have been written by an independent person but has in fact been created by a company or business in order to advertise a product or service.

Funemployed/Funemployment - fun + unemployed = Someone who enjoys not having a job because they have more time for leisure and fun activities.

----- G -----

Gastropub - gastronomic + pub = A pub which, in addition to beer and alcoholic drinks, offers gastronomic cuisine.

Gastrosexuals - gastronomic + heterosexual or homosexual = A new generation of men who see cooking more as a hobby than a household chore, and use their cooking skills to impress friends and potential partners.

Glad rags - Your best clothes or dressy clothes you wear on special occasions.

Glamping - glamour + camping = Luxury camping, sleeping in the open but with every comfort including cooking equipment.

Glass cliff - Refers to a situation where women are selected for positions when there is a strong likelihood of failure.

Gran-lit - grandmother/father + literature = Books that appeal more to older people.

Greycation - Going on holiday or vacation with grandparents in order to reduce the cost.

----- H -----

Hacktivist - A person who manipulates information on the internet in order to transmit a message, usually political.

Hashtag - The # symbol (hashtag) is used on social networking websites to identify a keyword or topic of interest and search for messages (tweets) related to the subject.

Haycation - hay + vacation = A holiday or vacation spent on a farm.

HENRY - Abbreviation of high earner not rich yet; refers to a person with an income between $100,000 and $250,000.

Hoody/Hoodie - A person, especially a youth, wearing a hooded top.

----- I -----

Infomania - Constantly checking and responding to email and text messages.

----- J -----

Jigsaw family - A family which includes the children from each partner's previous relationship(s), in addition to any children they may have together.

----- L -----

Locavore - A person who only eats food produced locally.

----- M -----

Mailbomb - To deliberately try to disrupt another computer system by sending massive amounts of email to it.

Meh - Interjection used to express indifference or to show that one simply does not care. Equivalent to shrugging one’s shoulders. Used as an adjective it means 'mediocre'.

Mocktail - mock + cocktail = Non-alcoholic drink that looks like a cocktail.

----- N -----

Nano break - A one-night holiday, or going away from home for one night.

Netpicker - A person who surfs the internet looking for information in order to impress others with their knowledge of current events.

Nevertiree - never + retire = A person who continues to work after they have reached the age of retirement.

Notspot - An area where there is slow Internet access or no connection at all.

----- O -----

Offshorable - Something that can be done or produced in another country, especially at reduced costs.

Outernet - Traditional media (newspapers, magazines, radio, television) as opposed to the internet.

Over-parenting - Being excessively protective of one's children in order to guarantee their safety and ensure their success in life; also known as "helicopter parenting"

Oversharing - Providing too much information on the Internet (credit card details, personal information, etc.) especially through social network sites.

Overworking class - A segment of today's working population where there is a desire or need to work long hours.

----- P -----

Password fatigue - Being tired of having to remember a large number of passwords for different electronic devices.

----- Q -----

Quintastic - fantastic + the prefix 'quin' = An informal way of referring to a person who is aged fifty or over but remains sexy, smart, energetic and successful, especially someone famous. In August 2011 President Barack Obama became a quintastic.

----- R -----

Recessionista - Popular new term for a person who succeeds in dressing stylishly on a tight budget.

Robocall - Commercial telemarketing call which plays a recorded message.

----- S -----

Sandwich generation - A generation of people who care for the needs of their children as well as those of their own elderly parents.

Screenager - screen + teenager = A young person or teenager who spends a lot of time in front of the computer screen.

Slumdog - Very poor, underprivileged person who lives in an overcrowded squalid area of a city called a slum

Smirt - smoke + flirt = Smoking prohibition laws have led to a new sort of social pastime : 'smirting', smokers getting to know each other when outside on the pavement.

Sofalise/sofalize - Stay home and use the internet, phone or other electronic device to communicate with people (social networking, chatting, tweeting, etc.), rather than go out and meet them face to face.

Spinnish - The language used by spin doctors, spokes-persons, campaign managers, etc. when trying to present information in a favorable light.

Staycation - A vacation in which you stay at home and relax or visit places close to where you live.

----- T -----

Textonym - A word produced by predictive text software when you press a  combination of numbers on the keypad of a mobile phone.

Textual harassment - Sending text messages to mobile phones which insult or abuse people.

Trashion  - trash + fashion = Fashionable items created from old, used and recycled elements.

Tribal marketing - Marketing strategy which consists in using the social behaviour of certain groups ('tribes') of consumers (e.g. surfers, rappers) to promote a product or service. Very often used by clothing and accessory brands.

Tweeps - Twitter + peeps (people) = Users who follow you on Twitter.

Tweetheart - A user of the Twitter service who is very popular or admired, or with whom other users communicate a lot.

Twittion - Twitter + petition = a Twitter petition.

----- U -----

Unfollow - Stop receiving another person's messages on Twitter.

Unfriend - Remove someone from your list of friends on social networks such as Facebook.

Upskill - Teach an employee new or additional skills.

----- W -----

Web rage - Anger or frustration as a result of difficulties or problems encountered when using the Internet.

Weblish - A form of English that is used on the web (use of abbreviations, acronyms, small letters, absence of punctuation and hyphens etc.) Also known as : webspeak, netspeak, internetese.

Winterval - winter + festival = A festival that takes place in winter.

Wordle - The words of a piece of text arranged into a sort of graphic. The more frequent a particular word appears in the text, the bigger its size in the wordle. (Also called 'word cloud' or 'text cloud'.)

Source: http://www.learn-english-today.com/new-words/new-words-in-english.html